We offer kayak rentals for people who are staying at our facility. Our fleet consists of clean & well maintained Necky & Wilderness Systems poly touring kayaks – single and double kayaks are available. Rentals include a paddle & spare, spray-skirt, pfd, pump, paddle-float, towline, deck-chart, flares, compass & sponge.
Singles : $75 / day.
Doubles: $110 / day
Some of the best kayaking in the world can be found in the Broughton Archipelago. The islands, bays, inlets, and passages provide a variety of paddling options. Whether you are a seasoned kayaker or just starting out, there are a variety of paddling options.
Below are some of the day trips you can take from the Paddlers Inn.
Paddling east, along the Gilford Island shoreline, paddlers are likely to see black bears feeding at low tide on the beach. Once at the head of the sound, you will find a nice grass delta, and riverside trail, with salmon heading up-river in the fall. The return trip is about 18 km / 4 hrs. Easy paddling. Could be a bit rough paddling back to the lodge if it blows NW in the afternoon.
Paddling north from the lodge and across Hornet Passage, there is a lovely group of islands with one of the nicest beaches in the area. This area has recently been closed to all camping, and the main beach area is CLOSED even for day use. Still a spectacular place to visit, with most of it available for day use enjoyment. Lots of seals, and sometimes whales, dolphins, and porpoise. The return trip is about 13 km / 3hr. Crossing Hornet Pass can be challenging if it’s windy. Experience or a guide is recommended.
Paddling NW from the lodge this route is fairly exposed to wind and waves. After making the crossing, paddling along the Broughton Island shoreline offers a wide expansive view to the north and several quiet bays with beaches and driftwood, piled up from winter storms. Trivett island is beautiful, although Penphrase Passage does have motorboat traffic, as it provides boaters access to the northern shore of Broughton Island. The return trip is about 20km / 5 hrs +. Experience or a guide is recommended.
Paddling west from the lodge and along the north shore of Baker Island this route is quite protected and quiet. The Benjamins offer paddlers several island passages and seldom visited small beaches, as well as a view of Fife Sound which leads out to Queen Charlotte Strait. Possibility of seeing whales, dolphins, and porpoise. The return trip is about 22km / 5 hrs. Easy paddling.
West of our location, paddling along the Baker Island shoreline, and south of the Benjamin Group, there is a narrow passage leading to Insect Island. This site shows evidence of thousands of years of First Nations usage. There are lots of good camping sites here. The return trip is about 22km / 5hrs. Fairly easy paddling. It is possible to return to the lodge, paddling along the south shore, and thus circumnavigating Baker Island.
Paddling west from the lodge down Cramer Pass leads paddlers to the Fox Islands. There are many tiny islands here, with Waddington Bay being of exceptional beauty. Retreat and Cramer Pass are powerboat routes so some boat traffic is likely. Lots of seals. The return trip is about 22km / 5 hrs. Easy paddling.
Cramer Pass is close to the lodge, making it an ideal route for those who are new to paddling, children, and people wanting a shorter paddling day. There are a couple of nice picnicking beaches and a couple of float-house residents along the pass. Possibility of seeing whales, dolphins, and porpoise. The return trip is about 12 km / 3hrs. Easy paddling.
Heading south from the lodge, and past Echo Bay, paddlers wanting a shorter tour can explore Shoal Harbor. This harbor offers protected waters, and so is used by people as a safe place to moor their floathouses. There are a couple of floathouses here, and as well a few derelict ones being reclaimed by the sea. The west end is shallow and quiet. The east end is used by boaters at anchor. The logging camp has been dismantled, but their road system starts here, providing many miles of walking trails. The return trip is about 8 km / 3 hrs. Easy paddling.
Throughout the area are many wonderful camping and picnic sites. We do not identify all of these sites, leaving them for the inspired adventurer to locate on their own.
Echo Bay is our communities center, or “downtown” (population 3). There is a marina, store, fuel, post-office etc. here. At the head of the bay is a large midden beach, with a field, and our community hall, which has collopsed, reminding visitors of a time when this community had many residents, who have now pretty much all moved away. At one time there were over 200 people here, now our population is about 10. The return trip is about 2km / 1 hr. Easy paddling.
Bill Proctor is the oldest remaining member of our community, having spent his whole life in the area. He is a wealth of information and support to any and all who have come to know him. Over the years he has collected a museum full of cultural remnants, and I imagine probably has the largest private collection of First Nations artifacts in British Columbia. This is a “must see” for anyone interested in history. The return trip is about 4 km / 2 hrs. Easy paddling.