Your Host

Introducing Bruce McMorran…


Bruce moved to this site by kayak in 1980 at the age of 19, following the call of the whales and nature, and his passion to live in and be a part of the wilderness. His homesteading began as a sea side squatter, who after years of persistence and on site presence and development, was able to arm wrestle the provincial government into allowing a small tenure and right of occupation.

Year after year the form of the resort began to unfold, creating a facility offering seaside vacations, guided kayak tours, and wilderness immersion.

When Bruce wasn’t busy “homesteading” or offering guided kayak trips, he could be found working in the silviculture industry, replacing trees where once great forests had stood.

This type of work suited Bruce’s all seasons approach to outdoor life, assuring that his personal activities demonstrated a form of wilderness immersion, and an ecological contribution, and allowed for a communal living experience, a welcome contrast to his independent pioneering hermitage lifestyle.

After 10 years of reclusive ocean-side living Bruce met Josée the world traveler, and they began their family life together. They lived in Simoom Sound running the resort in the summers, and a tree planting company in the fall and spring.

When the kids ( Indra & Solomon ) were school age the family moved to Cortes Island where they began a new life of schooling etc. for the kids, and seasonally full time employment at the Hollyhock Retreat Center for Bruce, as a bodywork practitioner, where he provided Jin Shin Do acupressure, deep tissue – Esalen massage, Reiki, and Hakomi body centered psychotherapy for six years.

Once the kids were on their own, Bruce turned his attention back to their homestead, and life in the wilderness, returning to re-open the lodge, and live in “the cradle of nature” again. Bruce gets great pleasure from welcoming guests to experience the beauty of the Broughton Archipleago, and  reconnecting with nature. 


Orca whales in Blackfish Sound.